Chris Trevor - Primary Education Consultant




Chris Trevor - Primary Education Consultant offering bespoke staff meetings and INSET, and popular, interactive courses, training, and support for Primary KS1, KS2 and EYFS. All sessions present fun, engaging, child-centred, child-initiated activities and creative, cross-curricular approaches with rigour, challenge and progression.

Workshops for staff and children:

Archaeology & Prehistory Workshop for KS2 (half day sessions) - see our website for full details:

10,000 Years BC

- History Mysteries in your local area.
- A Geography Day for EYFS to Year 6 ( or just for specific year groups): from My house, My street, My Area to My county, My country, My continent, My World.
- Gifted and Talented sessions for children.

Whole staff sessions:

Engaging reluctant readers and writers.
Celebrating your school's birthday to extend enquiry/local History and Geography skills
Abandon worksheets: creative ways to present children's work in ALL subjects - not just for theme books! Practical book making including ideas for 1-1 and intervention groups
- Support for embracing the new National Curriculum - planning surgeries during the day or staff meetings
- Meeting the new subject content for History and Geography in KS1 and KS2
- Further developing your Creative Curriculum
- Creative Maths: engaging ways to bring Maths alive inside & out linking to themes!

Cluster/ EIP support:

- How to meet the demands and plan for the new National Curriculum
- A Creative approach to working with the new National Curriculum.
- Further developing your Creative Curriculum
- Gifted and Talented sessions for children - History Mysteries.
- Supporting Teaching Assistants with basic ICT skills
- Support for your area's Newly Qualified Teachers.
- Support for your area's Teaching Assistants

Support for Subject Leaders (Can be 1-1 sessions to meet the specific needs of your school).

- Meeting the requirements of the new N.C. for History and Geography
- Support for developing your role as a subject leader
- New Curriculum design - how to develop a uniquely bespoke curriculum for your own school.
- Support for conducting a book scrutiny and monitoring your subject
- Practical, effective, cheap History/Geography skills-based approaches to share with the staff

Staff Meetings/ INSET sessions still on offer due to popular demand:

- Making the most of your school grounds, residential visits and local environment and community.
- Planning effective assessment, including engaging assessment for learning across the curriculum
- Extended writing across the Curriculum
- Successful starters and purposeful plenaries across the curriculum
- Starting learning from a story, or by using artefacts
- Practical purposeful training for Teaching Assistants

For further information on available courses and INSET, click here


I am grateful to Victoria Carr, Headteacher at Elton Primary School for this testimonial:

“Rarely have I had the privilege to work with such a knowledgeable, dynamic, creative and supportive professional! Working with Chris for a single day enabled my staff to pull together our ideas and focus on our key school drivers before preparing a creative curriculum sure to capture the imagination of staff and pupils alike. We will certainly be working with Chris again and would not hesitate to recommend her as a humanities enthusiast, with a wealth of knowledge and ideas of how to support staff to deliver, and more importantly inspire.”

Delegate feedback:

“Thanks for a superb morning – my staff felt it was one of the best training days they’ve ever had! Many commented on your infectious enthusiasm.”
Headteacher after half day school-based INSET.

“Great ideas for early years to Year 6. Excellent, inspirational and practical.”
“Brilliant resources to inspire adults and children alike.”
Cheshire East Senior Leader’s Conference

“Excellent delivery... innovative ideas, a structured, yet flexible approach”
GTP student

“Chris is always inspirational....lots of time for discussion to share good practice”
Deputy Head Teacher

“The best study day I have been on.”
Practical Strategies for Teaching Assistants course feedback


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