Chris Trevor - Primary Education Consultant offering bespoke staff meetings and INSET, and popular, interactive courses, training, and support for Primary KS1, KS2 and EYFS. All sessions present fun, engaging, child-centred, child-initiated activities and creative, cross-curricular approaches with rigour, challenge and progression.
Workshops for staff and children:
Archaeology & Prehistory Workshop for KS2 (half day sessions) - see our website for full details:
- History Mysteries in your local area.
- A Geography Day for EYFS to Year 6 ( or just for specific year groups): from My house, My street, My Area to My county, My country, My continent, My World.
- Gifted and Talented sessions for children.
Whole staff sessions:
Engaging reluctant readers and writers.
Celebrating your school's birthday to extend enquiry/local History and Geography skills
Abandon worksheets: creative ways to present children's work in ALL subjects - not just for theme books! Practical book making including ideas for 1-1 and intervention groups
- Support for embracing the new National Curriculum - planning surgeries during the day or staff meetings
- Meeting the new subject content for History and Geography in KS1 and KS2
- Further developing your Creative Curriculum
- Creative Maths: engaging ways to bring Maths alive inside & out linking to themes!
Cluster/ EIP support:
- How to meet the demands and plan for the new National Curriculum
- A Creative approach to working with the new National Curriculum.
- Further developing your Creative Curriculum
- Gifted and Talented sessions for children - History Mysteries.
- Supporting Teaching Assistants with basic ICT skills
- Support for your area's Newly Qualified Teachers.
- Support for your area's Teaching Assistants
Support for Subject Leaders (Can be 1-1 sessions to meet the specific needs of your school).
- Meeting the requirements of the new N.C. for History and Geography
- Support for developing your role as a subject leader
- New Curriculum design - how to develop a uniquely bespoke curriculum for your own school.
- Support for conducting a book scrutiny and monitoring your subject
- Practical, effective, cheap History/Geography skills-based approaches to share with the staff
Staff Meetings/ INSET sessions still on offer due to popular demand:
- Making the most of your school grounds, residential visits and local environment and community.
- Planning effective assessment, including engaging assessment for learning across the curriculum
- Extended writing across the Curriculum
- Successful starters and purposeful plenaries across the curriculum
- Starting learning from a story, or by using artefacts
- Practical purposeful training for Teaching Assistants
For further information on available courses and INSET, click here